Vitamin C, the history

The clinical use of Vitamin C was pioneered by Dr. Frederick Klenner in the 40’s and 50’s. He wrote many articles in journals and his achievements became the stuff of legend. The Munro-Halls adapted his treatment protocols and have administered 200g vitamin C over 12 hours safely in seriously compromised patients. with success.

His use of IV-C is written up in a small book “The Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C by Lendon H Smith. Dr. Klenner said “There is no disease that cannot be cured by vitamin C if given in high enough doses in the correct manner and for long enough”.

He was followed by Dr. Robert Cathcart. Both are now deceased.

Dr Cathcart wrote extensively about vitamin C and his paper from 1991 is included here. It makes useful reading if anyone wants to delve deeper into the subject.

Link to paper by Dr Robert Cathcart

Link to paper by Dr Fredrik Klenner