Daily Mail Report (from the New York Post)
Doctors throughout New York state are giving their critically ill coronavirus patients massive doses of vitamin C, a tactic said to have helped those hit the hardest in China.
Dr Andrew Weber, a Long Island based pulmonologist and critical-care specialist with Northwell Health, shared that he has been immediately giving his intensive-care patients 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C.
Those patients are then re-administered the doses of the powerful antioxidant three or four times a day, the doctor explained to the New York Post.
Dr Andrew Weber shared that he has been immediately giving his intensive-care patients 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C
Each dose is more than 16 times the daily dietary vitamin allowance of vitamin C advised from the National Institute of Health.
For adult men, the allowance is just 90 milligrams. Women are said to have 75 milligrams.
The Long Island based pulmonologist and critical-care specialist with Northwell Health shared that patients are given three to four doses a day
Weber shared that the regimen is based off experimental treatments that were administered to coronavirus patients in Shanghai, China.
'The patients who received vitamin C did significantly better than those who did not get vitamin C,' he said. 'It helps a tremendous amount, but it is not highlighted because it's not a sexy drug.'
Jason Molinet, a spokesman for Northwell, said that Vitamin C is being 'widely used' as a coronavirus treatment throughout the health system. He noted, however, that the amount given to patients varies.
'As the clinician decides,' Molinet added.
Northwell Health is the state's largest healthcare provider, with 23 hospitals across New York.
According to Molinet, approximately 700 patients across the hospital network are being treated for the coronavirus. He could not specify how many were receiving vitamin C treatment.
Initially the Media was Antagonistic to Vitamin C.
News Media Attacks Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19 Coronavirus yet Ascorbate is a Proven, Powerful Antiviral
by Andrew W. Saul, Editor-in-Chief Orthomolecular News Service
(OMNS Mar 1, 2020) First of all, the naysayers are too late. Vitamin C is already being used to prevent and treat COVID-19 in China and in Korea. And it is working.
Here is a verified official statement from China's Xi'an Jiaotong University Second Hospital:
"On the afternoon of February 20, 2020, another 4 patients with severe coronavirus pneumonia recovered from the C10 West Ward of Tongji Hospital. In the past 8 patients have been discharged from hospital. . . [H]igh-dose vitamin C achieved good results in clinical applications. We believe that for patients with severe neonatal pneumonia, and for critically ill patients, vitamin C treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after admission. Numerous studies have shown that the dose of vitamin C has a lot to do with the effect of treatment. High-dose vitamin C can not only improve antiviral levels, but more importantly, can prevent and treat acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress (ARDS)."
Here is a report from Korea:
"At my hospital in Daegu, South Korea, all inpatients and all staff members have been using vitamin C orally since last week. Some people this week had a mild fever, headaches and coughs, and those who had symptoms got 30,000 mg intravenous vitamin C. Some people got better after about two days, and most had symptoms go away after one injection." (Hyoungjoo Shin, M.D.)
There are at least three high-dose intravenous vitamin C studies underway in China. Literally by the truckload, tons of vitamin C has been sent into Wuhan.
Here is a report from a physician in China:
"We need to broadcast a message worldwide very quickly: Vitamin C (small or large dose) does no harm to people and is the one of the few, if not the only, agent that has a chance to prevent us from getting, and can treat, COVID-19 infection. When can we, medical doctors and scientists, put patients' lives first?" (Richard Z. Cheng, MD, PhD, International Vitamin C China Epidemic Medical Support Team Leader)
News media attacks on vitamin C are centered on false allegations of dangers with megadoses. This tactic lets the media ignore the truth that even LOW doses of vitamin C reduce symptoms and death rates. Do not let the media spin this issue. Advocates of vitamin C are medical doctors, not spin doctors. They are experienced, credentialed clinicians who have read the science, a small sample of which follows:
Even small supplemental amounts of vitamin C can keep severely ill patients from dying.
[Hunt C et al. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 1994;64:212-19.]
Infants with viral pneumonia treated with vitamin C had reduced mortality.
[Ren Shiguang et al. Hebei Medicine 1978,4:1-3]
17,000 mg/day vitamin C given intravenously shortened intensive care unit stay by 44%.
[Hemilä H, Chalker E. Nutrients. 2019 Mar 27;11:4.]
200 mg of vitamin C reduced duration of severe pneumonia in children. Oxygen saturation was improved in less than one day.
[Khan IM et al. J Rawalpindi Med Coll (JRMC); 2014;18(1):55-57]
The Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and its editorial board of nearly four dozen physicians, academics and health professionals (listed below) feel it is necessary to report on what the advertiser-supported, corporate-controlled commercial media refuses to acknowledge: even small amounts of vitamin C dramatically decrease severity of symptoms, and increase survival rates, among severely ill viral patients. Large doses work better. Intravenous large doses work better still.